is our affordable quality door for the residential market.
Its effective design provides amazingly easy and fast installation and maintenance.
is a door system which can be used with any kind of application from residential buildings up to highly frequented office buildings and hotels.
is the reduced height design car door that represents the ideal solution for lifts with reduced well head.
incomparable compact sill design contributes to space saving: it can fit even in the smallest shafts.
with SUPRA drive is the ideal solution for any kind of prestigious and panoramic lifts.
covers a wide range of international regulation requirements and fire certifications, even for glass executions
is a compact door for new and existing lift installations in reduced spaces
is a door designed for industrial and freight elevators.
is the ideal solution for passenger movement within all high-rise buildings
Select ServiceElevatorEscalatorSecurity Systems
Select CityRiyadhJeddahDammam